Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Freeze Off Genital Warts Genital Warts?

Genital warts? - how long does it take to freeze off genital warts

A friend of mine came with a question that could not really help. My friend developed genital warts. They realized one day and went to the doctor, and they have burned or frozen from two different points in time. It seems no more than 6 months. But this problem affects your relationship. It was assumed that in a relationship monogomous one years prior to their development. How long does it take? He shows no trace of them. Moreover, they have been abducted, but he believes that, even if no more warts could, yet the virus that causes unprotected sex and spreading. Is he right? It really hurts your sex life, because you are handicapped by this and can not understand why, because he says he does not have more warts. She also denies, as he came and said that he would have exposed years before her. Can someone tell me more information. on them, so you can try to help too?


Alli said...

He had the virus for years and never realized.

I personally had HPV for 6 years. I did not develop genital warts from her until a year ago. Then, of course, can take years before warts appear sometimes.

But I fired, not the fact that he might have cheated, because it is also a possibility.

And yes, your friend is right, what he considers his contract. Just because a person is removed and the warts are physically gone, does not mean that they got rid of viruses. There is no cure for HPV. Some women are actually able to get rid of the virus, but their bodies are basically in a position to "fight". Since there is no test for men, it is impossible to know when the virus is released (if it ever gets rid of him).

Now that your friend knows that her boyfriend has HPV is so important for them to get their annual Pap smear to. HPV can cause cancer of the cervix in women may be, is the second most common cancer among women after breast cancer. The Pap test can detectIf a woman has HPV and if you experience signs of cancer of the cervix, the abnormal cells in the cervix. I developed cancer of the cervix in the same year I was diagnosed at age 17 and not the pleasure. Make your friend's needs, she did not want to go through the interaction with cancer of the cervix?

Good luck to your friend!

amazingly intelligent said...

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease. I have nothing, that they slept in the system indicates a person for a year to read. Therefore, I suspect infidelity.
Your friend should be concerned. Unprotected sex is risky, not only genital warts, but also countless other diseases. Sexual activity is at risk. The use of condoms is the practice of safer sex. You can still have the disease through contact with the bar areas which are not covered, such as herpes and genital warts.
Here's an idea. Tell your friends to practice abstinence. Who is 100% secure. We expect that someone who has spent years trying to get to know and be reasonably sure they are disease-free and really get married by nature monogamous. But only one. Good luck.

carpedie... said...

HPV - the disease that causes genital warts can lay dormant for a long time to manifest itself in the real form of genital warts. Yes - it is possible that they had before. It is also possible that the HPV virus now has no symptoms or warts. Many women do not to appear as a "warts" in general - but result in skin cells along the cervical dysplasia - the abnormal Pap test can. It must go to your gynecologist for an exam - and make sure everything goes well it. If nothing is done before the HPV can cause cancer and even cancer of the cervix.

It is transferred correctly, even if they burned. HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) can be transmitted through blood or body fluids, and never gone, once someone has. So, if you have had unprotected sex, there is the possibility that they are already infected.

This is something fairly common - about one quarter of women is infected with a chapter of the HPV virus - and many do not.

Good luck .... I hope that everything goes well.

augy30 said...

Bayer Aspirin or Dettol soap

gangadharan nair said...

/ Warts - incubation: Anywhere from one month to several years. There are over 70 types of HPV. Some types are associated with genital warts. Others are equipped with all common warts or flat warts elsewhere is connected to the skin.
Women whose partners had genital warts, Pap tests should be at least every 6 months. Call your doctor if you can find your current partner or sexual history have genital warts. Please call if you have visible warts on the genitals, itching, discharge or abnormal vaginal bleeding. Keep in mind that genital warts can not occur for months or years after sexual contact with an infected person.
Total abstinence is the only sure way to prevent genital warts and other sexually transmitted diseases. In the vicinity of the skin and warts in the genital area, anus, and in other areas of the virus from one person to another move. Therefore, the male and female condoms can not protect.
Gardasil, a vaccine protects women against HPV types of HPV that 70% of cancers of the cervix and 90% of genital warts caused by it and approved by the Food andDrug Administration. The license allows prescription to females age 9-26. The vaccine is very effective if prior to the child in contact with a strain of HPV protection against viruses. For this reason, the vaccine should preferably be administered before a girl becomes sexually active. This vaccine has been tested for men.
The HPV vaccine (Gardasil) protects against the major types of HPV that cause cervical cancer. The treatment is no existing vaccine for HPV infection or genital warts. But the vaccine May for women already having one or more types of HPV, which protects against the HPV types that are not infected.
Please visit for more information about genital warts.

mysticdu... said...

Well, we know that this is true: you can have the virus for a time and not symptomatic. It could be possibly obtained a year ago, but not likely.
You probably already have the virus without knowing it yet ... because it is very contagious.
Some people are exposed to, and get the virus do not become symptomatic.
Recent studies show that some people completely irradicate virus may in time .. most do not. I went back to the damn things about 15 times get Zapped.
There are a number of HPV types, and some of them can cause cancer of the cervix, if left untreated symptoms.

Your friend must have regular Pap tests! How does one one and in 3 months.

Condoms help, but the virus can peri-genital areas not covered by the condom.

No one knows exactly when you can disconnect the absence of symptoms, but it is thought possible.

There is now a vaccine against women do not get what is that exposure causes cancer of the cervix.

Chrishonda Alston said...

Human papilloma virus is responsible for warts in men and women, including genital warts, as condylomata. Usually they are benign, or noncancerous. Although more than a hundred types of HPV, only some may be carcinogenic, cancer knowledge. Only persistent infection with certain HPV types that cause cervical cancer. Moreover, most HPV infections disappear spontaneously, defeated by the immune system of the body. Worldwide there are approximately 236 million people are infected with trichomoniasis, and some 162 million people with chlamydia. Every year there are approximately 32 million new cases of genital warts, gonorrhea, 78 million, 21 million of genital herpes, syphilis and chancre 19 million from 9 million.

Love always, Kortnei said...

HPV can take years to see .... I have a support group, girls and boys have e-mail saying they were not sexually active 10 + year (in their 60's), and suddenly they all had an epidemic ..... Visit the site of my friend ... HPV is a wealth of information that your friend might be useful ... also a link to our support group to join

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