Friday, February 19, 2010

What Computer Does Bella Have In New Moon New Moon Trailer Problems?

New moon trailer problems? - what computer does bella have in new moon

I do not know how to do it for you, but I waited for the trailer that was the new moon twilight. I had some serious problems. Why Alice and Bella go 3 lines about a stupid cake? Lawrence is actually in the meadow, when he meets Bella, and if so, why is Jacob, in his human form? Jacob looks like a wolf to computer-and the beginning of the trailer, why boil the ocean and then suddenly the car Bella's are in front of your house? Thew scene break I thought that looked pretty good, but I really hope that the film closer to the book, the first trailer. What do you think?


cmsboy5 said...

All this is stupid
Well first, her birthday, beautiful, Edward requested a kiss, why ask if you can have a car or money or something. What I'm beautiful! they do to him yesterday, when it was his birthday!

Then go to Jasper, Edward's left can not be broken ever. I do not see him at the end of twilight, when she was injured ... stupid.

Why can not be beautiful without Edward?, Mayer spends 400 pages on the evening talk about how no one is very attractive obivously this relationship has to do with personality and no human life is not worth, depressed in all modes.

The animation special effects terrible!
Good luck, writer, although I have nothing against it, or twilight
just say what I think

I liked the trailer

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