Friday, February 5, 2010

Baby Naming Do You Congratulate Baby Shower Card Question..?

Baby Shower card question..? - baby naming do you congratulate

I want a baby shower and I never met your husband, I just know it. I write to the card, but I began to ... Do I congratulate * only *, or I should write to them and congratulate him, taking both their names? Instead of simply Congratulations ______ (your name).


Paisley said...

I congratulate the shower. You can use both of them after the baby is born, congratulate. There is really no right or Wong.

due 01/25/10 said...

Many people put Cassidy & Josh [my name and my husband] received our cards .. So I think that is because they put the two together. I just found that almost every letter had a shower with both parents, my friends and my shower, where his father was not present in the lives of their children's letters were addressed, it only addressed.

Dragoniz... said...

Hmmm, I would, "Congratulations on the addition of new" or "Bundle of Joy"

Lynn7290... said...

I want to use his name .... But you can congratulate them both.

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